We had the wonderful opportunity to present at the National Title I Conference in Long Beach, California. Our session, Using a Comprehensive Needs Assessment of Distributed Leadership for School Improvement, was well-attended, and it was a pleasure to meet with various education leaders who are working with Title I schools.
Using CALL for School Improvement
For our presentation, we discussed how Title I school leaders have used action-based data on instructional leadership practice to support school improvement. A tool that we highlighted was the Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL). We edited the presentation for your viewing. When you have a moment, please view our shortened presentation here.
Developed and validated at the University of Wisconsin, CALL is a school-wide assessment of distributed leadership. Rather than focus on an individual school leader, CALL utilizes a multi-source survey to assess core leadership practices that are distributed across the school building. Users receive immediate targeted data and feedback designed to support school improvement and professional growth. In addition, the CALL system provides district leaders with information on school leadership effectiveness.